CWB Certification

All the journeyman welders are required to be tested twice a year for the welding process and positions they use in production at Bow-Cor Custom Welding in order to maintain a CWB certification. The certification is mandatory for working with structural steel as per the Building Code.

For over 70 years, CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) has been ensuring the safety of welded structures in Canada through their certification services.

A CWB representative visits our shop every 6 months to oversee testing and complete an audit report. The welding coupons are sent to the Calgary Welding Test Centre for an x-ray examination to determine if the welds meet standards. If the weld passes, CWB issue a certification card in the welder’s name.

CWB also requires to have an adequate number of Welding Supervisors to control its welding operations. At Bow-Cor Custom Welding, we are fortunate to have 3 Welding Supervisors: Michel Tessier, Chris Oswald and Spencer Thiessen.

Lastly, we are required to retain the services of a Welding Engineer, these 3rd party audits are performed every 3 months.

At Bow-Cor Custom Welding, we take pride in our CWB certification and you can rest assured our products are very well made by qualified staff.